Tag: tokyo

Golden Week in Harajuku

One of the busiest holiday seasons in Japan is the Golden Week. Normally around the first week of May it combines 3 national holidays and is thus a common time to take the week off to travel with the family. Of course did I choose exactly this week for my stay in Tokyo which I was told resulted in even more people on the streets than usual.

Imperial palace = pause button

The area containing the imperial palace (Kōkyo) and the surrounding green park environment is called Chiyoda. It’s calm peacefulness and scarce buildings on a vast area with nothing…

Asakusa and the waterways to Hamarikyu Gardens

Leaving the modern grounds of Shinjuku I got some great recommendations about how to discover the eastern parts of Tokyo. So the plan was to start in the historic Asakusa quarter and then take a boat-ride south to the Hamarikyu Gardens from which I could easily discover the fish market and Ginza.

Slurping noodles and smoking Sake

Shinjuku has it all: shops, nightlife, business, parks, charming back-alleys and of course Matsuya, the restaurant chain which provides typical Japanese breakfasts for little money.

Tokyo – Shinjuku – Where big meets small

The colourful, buzzing shopping and night-life district on the Western part of the Tokyo Yamanote loop line offers the perfect surrounding for a Tokyo base camp. From here you conveniently get to all other parts of the city .

Arrival – Lost in Translation

The moment I stepped out into the arrival hall this scary but at the same time immensely refreshing feeling of being lost kicked in. I cannot remember the last time I’ve been travelling to any country where I could not at least make out what the signs are saying.

Japan – the kind and tasty beauty

If you stay hungry in Japan you are doing everything wrong you could possibly do wrong.