If you stay hungry in Japan you are doing everything wrong you could possibly do wrong.

When people ask me why I chose to travel to Japan I struggle to really put in words what made me take this decision. Japan had this certain mysterious, yet charming and kind attraction to me without having ever been in either Japan nor Asia at all. Nevertheless, what I experienced in the 2 weeks in which I travelled through Japan made me fell in love with this gorgeous country.

Rather than just sharing my pictures as I used to do with my previous trips, I decided to embed the mass of pictures that I took with some sort of travel diary. This way I hope the atmosphere and culture behind the pictures can be conveyed in an even better way. Also since returning I received a lot of questions from friends and family:

how did I planned my trip? how hard is it to travel by yourself in a country with a high language barrier? …

Thus I will use some lessons learned and share tools and Apps which made my trip more convenient and are worth checking out in case you are planing to travel to Japan, too. At the end hungry on tour is an experiment and we’ll see if it’s worthwhile doing. I’ll try to add new entries covering my route regularly in the next days and weeks.

My itinerary

  1. Tokyo – a natural choice to kick-start Japan
  2. Hakone Yumoto – the beautiful landscape around Mt. Hakone and lake Ashi offers a stunning view on Mt. Fuji
  3. Kyoto – beautiful and full of Japanese culture and history
  4. Nara – the first capital of Japan
  5. Osaka – claims itself as Japanese food capital
  6. Himeji – home of the probably best preserved original castle
  7. Kanazawa – here you can feel the spirit of Samurais
  8. Alpine Route – crossing the Japanese Alps in a handful of different transportation modes
  9. Nagano – way more than the 1998 Winter Olympics
  10. Takayama – a next to completely preserved old merchant town
  11. Shirakawa-Go – famous for its historic farmer houses
  12. Tokyo – it all starts and ends in here
Dotonbori Osaka

The famous Dotonbori area in Osaka.