From Kalmar one could take the direct road back North to Stockholm. But instead we decided to take the bridge over to Öland and spend a day on the island. Instead of much photography the time was well spend at the beautiful sandy beach at the most northern part of the island. At Böda Sand you’ll find kilometre long sandy dunes and beaches inviting you to relax and swim. And yes, the water temperature was perfect for swimming and thus it was the first day of swimming in the Baltic Sea for this year.

Böda Sand

Böda Sand

Although the rest of the island would be worth more coverage I did miss to take more pictures. In case you want to stay on Öland I can recommend you Allégården Kastlösa. It’s on the opposite side of the island in the south but their guestrooms in the old building and the pictures surrounding make it a peaceful getaway.

The next day we continued with the ferry from Västervik to Visby on Gotland. Gotland very much seems to be the crafts and art outpost of Sweden. All over the island you’ll find art studios and free spirits. Ignoring Visby that is, which is more like Stockholm but I’ll cover that in a separate post. So we started of with some nice natural reservoirs on the south eastern part of the island.

IMG_3994 IMG_3986 IMG_3983 IMG_3981 IMG_3975 IMG_3997IMG_20160626_195307And in the evening we had the best burger I’ve had in Sweden so far. All my Stockholm burger foodies will be upset now that it’s not Flippin’s, Bun Meat Bun, Prime Burger or Phil’s. No, it is Kapten Grogg in Ronehamn on Gotland. You love burgers? You like nature? You enjoy a unique setting on the waterfront? Must see for you!

IMG_20160626_195220 KaptenGrogg

When you continue to the most southern point of the island to Hoburgsgubben you’ll be rewarded with a stunning view.

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On the side of the island at Folhammar you also get to see a beautiful rauk area which is worth visiting. It’s amazing what nature can do.

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