It has been quite a while since my last blog entry. This is not due to the lack of pictures I could share with you. So I will try to get back to this blog more often again and share some of my pictures with you.

So to keep the chronological order in place – which suits my desire to keep everything in order – I’ll start with the pictures I took back at Easter. Looking at the pictures it seems rather cold and chilly. For those of you that live in Scandinavia this is quite common, for the rest maybe not. At Easter here in Sweden it was still snowing and at that particular day I was lucky to get a perfectly clear sky mirroring the perfectly clear blue water of the Baltic sea.

The pictures are taken at Saltsjöbaden, which is just outside Stockholm in the archipelago. A really beautiful and peaceful place to enjoy the nature. For a longer stay it is also nice to stay at the Grand Hotel which gives a bit of 19th century flair.